(with real results)

A Functional Approach

This Is Health Designed

our areas of focus

at Health Designed,
we use functional lab testing
 and root cause analysis
to discover the hidden imbalances
 causing chaos within your body.

at Health Designed,
we use functional lab testing and root cause analysis
to discover the hidden imbalances causing chaos within your body.

Perfect health doesn't exist... but we can get you close.

Abdominal Pain
Irritable Bowel

Hair Loss

Weight Gain

and feel happy & healthy. 

uncover root causes,

get real answers,

to take back your health,

It's your time

I needed something new!

Through functional lab testing, I uncovered the root causes of my declining health... Estrogen dominance, liver dysfunction, small intestine bacterial overgrowth, low stomach acid, leaky gut, mineral depletion, and more! 

I was not "fine"

I'm a mom, wife, and research nerd who suffered from daily abdominal pain, adult acne, terrible menstrual cycles, and daily fatigue. For more than ten years, doctors told me I was "fine" and all my labs were "normal."

Hi, I'm Aleece Rose

meet the founder

Are you tired of the health runaround?

eating clean, exercising, adding fiber, drinking less coffee & alcohol...

Have you been doing all the ''healthy things''...

weight gain, always tired, feeling depressed, acne...

but your body just wont budge?

You are OUR  kind of person!


Your roadblocks don't have to be a mystery anymore. 

This isn't counting points or juicing away your worries. This isn't another trial and error program for you to get frustrated with. This is you FINALLY getting the answers you've been looking for through functional labs testing not available at your primary care. Let us take the guess work away with a custom designed program specific to what YOUR body needs.

Fits Most 

Forget One-Size


See which program is best to reach your health and wellness goals.

to a Life Restored

Design Your Path

Just you and me...let's chat through your struggles, frustrations, horror stories, life-long chronic ailments, and the reasons you're looking for a different approach so we can find the best program for you!

Book a complimentary 20
minute discovery call

Are you ready to discover the REAL reasons you feel like crap?

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